The Mama Bear Behind Your Jewellery
Motherhood is at the forefront of everything I create. It has to be. My work is Mother Nature after all.
I once was a painter but that was a lifetime ago, it's almost so long ago it's like it never happened. One day I hope to return to this practice but for now my journey is through alchemy and the five elements. Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Myself.
My moments creating jewellery are my moments of escaping being Mama. The jewellery part of my life is the easy part, it's my escapism. A one-woman/mama show trying to run my business whilst surviving motherhood. A constant Juggle of Patience and Survival. Making, that's easy, keeping 3 kids alive and keeping sane not so easy.
I’ve always been a creative soul, one that needs to Make, Paint or Create to feel whole. Always been closely connected to Nature. From my childhood growing up in Kenya.
My path to becoming a Jeweller began many years ago in Kent. I have a degree in Fine Art Painting but I finished my degree deflated with the art world as it's ‘who you know not what you know.’
I suppose first and foremost i am a Caster. Someone who replicates things by the use of a mould. This is my go-to, after this comes Silversmithing. I am forever learning as there are so many different avenues to Silversmithing. Though my direction has always been the Casting. I feel like it has taken me the last 15 years to really perfect the alchemy of Casting. Practice makes perfect and I only really feel now that I'm starting to create some truly magical pieces. Foraged Natural Treasures made into Jewellery.
I am an artist who creates talismans foraged directly from Nature. Every piece tells a tale. Dried slugs from the Summer 2022. Sea-glass and limpets found on the Isle of Tiree when I found out I was pregnant with twins. Fishbones from Kilifi on the Kenyan Coast where my Mothers Ashes were scattered. Oak leaves picked from a tree on the day of the birth of a friend's daughter. I could go on… But every piece is a story, it’s my story. Botanical Natural Jewellery which tells many a tale.